


[SVI] Transfert de l'appel sans choix

Added by Hervé Convert over 2 years ago

Bonjour, j'aimerais faire en sorte que si les personnes qui tombe sur mon SVI ne font aucun choix, qu'ils soit rediriger automatiquement vers une ligne.

Pensez-vous que ça et possible ?



Replies (1)

RE: [SVI] Transfert de l'appel sans choix - Added by Antoine TIXIER over 2 years ago

Il y a ici un bon exemple de dialplan :

Gestion de plusieurs menus, avec 3 boucles de tentative de choix de touche, et une gestion de l'erreur si aucune touche pressée au bout de 5 secondes.

Il suffit de remplacer le son joué si arrivé au bout par l'appel d'une ligne

exten = i,n(error),Playback(${GV_DIRECTORY_SOUNDS}/ivr-example-error) ==> exten = i,n,Goto(${IVR_DESTINATION_CONTEXT},"numéro de ma ligne à contacter",1)

Et il faut supprimer le Hangup à la fin évidemment.


exten = s,1,NoOp(### dp-ivr-example.conf ###)
same = n,NoOp(Set the context containing your ivr destinations.)
same = n,Set(IVR_DESTINATION_CONTEXT=my-ivr-destination-context)
same = n,NoOp(Set the directory containing your ivr sounds.)
same = n,Set(GV_DIRECTORY_SOUNDS=/var/lib/xivo/sounds/ivr-sounds)
same = n,NoOp(the system answers the call and waits for 1 second before continuing)
same = n,Answer(1000)

same = n,NoOp(the system plays the first part of the audio file "welcome to ...")
same = n(first),Playback(${GV_DIRECTORY_SOUNDS}/ivr-example-welcome-sound)

same = n,NoOp(variable "counter" is set to 0)
same = n(beginning),Set(counter=0)

same = n,NoOp(variable "counter" is incremented and the label "start" is defined)
same = n(start),Set(counter=$[${counter} + 1])

same = n,NoOp(counter variable is now = ${counter})
same = n,NoOp(waiting for 1 second before reading the message that indicate all choices)
same = n,Wait(1)
same = n,NoOp(play the message ivr-example-choices that contain all choices)
same = n,Background(${GV_DIRECTORY_SOUNDS}/ivr-example-choices)
same = n,NoOp(waiting for DTMF during 5s)
same = n,Waitexten(5)

;##### CHOICE 1 #####
exten = 1,1,NoOp(pressed digit is 1, redirect to 8000 in ${IVR_DESTINATION_CONTEXT} context)
exten = 1,n,Goto(${IVR_DESTINATION_CONTEXT},8000,1)

;##### CHOICE 2 #####
exten = 2,1,NoOp(pressed digit is 2, redirect to 8833 in ${IVR_DESTINATION_CONTEXT} context)
exten = 2,n,Goto(${IVR_DESTINATION_CONTEXT},8833,1)

;##### CHOICE 3 #####
exten = 3,1,NoOp(pressed digit is 3, redirect to 8547 in ${IVR_DESTINATION_CONTEXT} context)
exten = 3,n,Goto(${IVR_DESTINATION_CONTEXT},8547,1)

;##### CHOICE 4 #####
exten = 4,1,NoOp(pressed digit is 4, redirect to start label in this context)
exten = 4,n,Goto(s,start)

;##### TIMEOUT #####
exten = t,1,NoOp(no digit pressed for 5s, process it like an error)
exten = t,n,Goto(i,1)

;##### INVALID CHOICE #####
exten = i,1,NoOp(if counter variable is 3 or more, then goto label "error")
exten = i,n,GotoIf($[${counter}>=3]?error)
exten = i,n,NoOp(pressed digit is invalid and less than 3 errors: the guide ivr-exemple-invalid-choice is now played)
exten = i,n,Playback(${GV_DIRECTORY_SOUNDS}/ivr-example-invalid-choice)
exten = i,n,Goto(s,start)
exten = i,n(error),Playback(${GV_DIRECTORY_SOUNDS}/ivr-example-error)
exten = i,n,Hangup()