


Nouvelle version corrective : 2024.05.09 (Maia.09)

La version corrective 2024.05.09 (Maia.09) est disponible.
Ajouté par Guillaume Millet il y a 2 mois

2024.05.09 (Maia.09)

Voir la Roadmap de la 2024.05.09 (Maia.09).

Bugs fixés

3 bugs ont été fixés dans la 2024.05.09 (Maia.09)

Focus sur quelques bugs

The simple search and the advanced search does not return the same result with the same query results (#7836)

In the recording server interface it has been observed that when performing a search using the same terms, the results obtained from the simple search differ from those obtained through the advanced search.
Now, both the simple search and advanced search return consistent results for the same query.

Callback: Export Tickets does not Work if Status is Email (#7865)

When attempting to export ticket, if the user have a status "email" we encounter a 400 HTTP error.
The export ticket functionality now work properly even if the user have a status "email"

Callback: Exported ticket file is not downloaded by browser (#7881)

When attempting to export reminders from the ccmanager interface under the "View reminder" tab using the "Download tickets" button, the download does not initiate as expected. Although a 200 OK status is received, indicating a successful HTTP response with the content, the file is not downloaded by the browser.
The export functionality now properly triggers the browser to download the file.

Mise à jour

  1. Consulter la [Release notes]( (Maia.09)/releasenotes/index.html#maia-09 ),
  2. Mettre à jour en suivant les procédures :
    1. Upgrade de XiVO PBX
    2. Upgrade XiVO CC
