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Mise en place d'un SVI
Added by Mathieu AAA 5 months ago
Bonjour la communauté,
je souhaite mettre en place un SVI. Dans la doc officielle XIVO, il y a un dialplan qui correspond à ce que l'on veut.
J'ai créé un fichier de conf "toto.conf". Le voici :
exten = s,1,NoOp(### toto.conf ###)
same = n,NoOp(Set the context containing your ivr destinations.)
same = n,Set(IVR_DESTINATION_CONTEXT=default)
same = n,NoOp(Set the directory containing your ivr sounds.)
same = n,Set(GV_DIRECTORY_SOUNDS=/var/lib/xivo/sounds/svi)
same = n,NoOp(the system answers the call and waits for 1 second before continuing)
same = n,Answer(1000)
same = n,NoOp(the system plays the first part of the audio file "bienvenue ....")
same = n(first),Playback(${GV_DIRECTORY_SOUNDS}/toto_Bienvenue)
same = n,NoOp(variable "counter" is set to 0)
same = n(beginning),Set(counter=0)
same = n,NoOp(variable "counter" is incremented and the label "start" is defined)
same = n(start),Set(counter=$[${counter} + 1])
same = n,NoOp(counter variable is now = ${counter})
same = n,NoOp(waiting for 1 second before reading the message that indicate all choices)
same = n,Wait(1)
same = n,NoOp(play the message ivr-example-choices that contain all choices)
same = n,Background(${GV_DIRECTORY_SOUNDS}/toto_SVI)
same = n,NoOp(waiting for DTMF during 5s)
same = n,Waitexten()
;##### CHOICE 1 #####
exten = 1,1,NoOp(pressed digit is 1, redirect to 8000 in ${IVR_DESTINATION_CONTEXT} context)
exten = 1,n,Goto(${IVR_DESTINATION_CONTEXT},133,1)
;##### CHOICE 2 #####
exten = 2,1,NoOp(pressed digit is 2, redirect to 8833 in ${IVR_DESTINATION_CONTEXT} context)
exten = 2,n,Goto(${IVR_DESTINATION_CONTEXT},136,1)
;##### CHOICE 3 #####
exten = 3,1,NoOp(pressed digit is 3, redirect to 8547 in ${IVR_DESTINATION_CONTEXT} context)
exten = 3,n,Goto(${IVR_DESTINATION_CONTEXT},8547,1)
;##### CHOICE 4 #####
exten = 4,1,NoOp(pressed digit is 4, redirect to start label in this context)
exten = 4,n,Goto(s,start)
;##### TIMEOUT #####
exten = t,1,NoOp(no digit pressed for 5s, process it like an error)
exten = t,n,Goto(i,1)
;##### INVALID CHOICE #####
exten = i,1,NoOp(if counter variable is 3 or more, then goto label "error")
exten = i,n,GotoIf($[${counter}>=3]?error)
exten = i,n,NoOp(pressed digit is invalid and less than 3 errors: the guide ivr-exemple-invalid-choice is now played)
exten = i,n,Playback(${GV_DIRECTORY_SOUNDS}/toto_pascomprisdemande)
exten = i,n,Goto(s,start)
exten = i,n(error),Playback(${GV_DIRECTORY_SOUNDS}/toto_finappel)
exten = i,n,Hangup()
Tout est ok, j'entend bien les différents sons mais qu'importe le choix, il ne se passe rien. Dans les logs, je vois bien tout le déroulé mais aucune trace d'un appui sur l'une des touches.
Merci de votre aide
Replies (1)
RE: Mise en place d'un SVI - Added by Mathieu AAA 5 months ago
Désolé mais ne pas tenir compte.
J'ai réglé mon problème en mettant le paramétrage DTMF sur la norme RFC2833