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PATTON SN4130 4 bri
Ajouté par al REN il y a plus de 7 ans
Qui a un modèle de fichier de configuration pour PATTON 4130/4BIS8V/EUI 4BRI ?
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RE: PATTON SN4130 4 bri - Ajouté par al REN il y a plus de 7 ans
Voici le fichier de configuration par default.
1 - Mettre un adressage IP STATIC sur l'interface de management
2 - Configurer le SIP pour 4 BRI
#----------------------------------------------------------------# # # # Patton Electronics Company # # SN4130/4BIS8V v1.5 (SmartNode 4130 VoIP Gateway) # # S/N: 00A0BA0C42DB # # Release: 3.9.3-16062 2016/05/19 # # Generated configuration file # # # #----------------------------------------------------------------# cli version 4.00 rtp-port-range 6000 9999 actions rule PROV_STARTUP condition ip address:WAN.DHCP LINKUP initial condition system ntp TIME_INITIALIZED action 1 "provisioning execute PF_PROVISIONING_CONFIG" profile aaa DEFAULT method 1 local method 2 none console use profile aaa DEFAULT telnet-server use profile aaa DEFAULT no shutdown ssh-server use profile aaa DEFAULT no shutdown snmp-server community public read-write no shutdown web-server http use profile aaa DEFAULT no shutdown display advanced web-server https use profile aaa DEFAULT shutdown system clock-source 1 bri 0 0 clock-source 2 bri 0 1 clock-source 3 bri 0 2 clock-source 4 bri 0 3 ntp server server server server no shutdown profile napt NAPT_WAN dns-server relay dns-client shutdown dns-client name-server profile tls DEFAULT authentication incoming authentication outgoing private-key pki:private-key/DEFAULT own-certificate 1 pki:own-certificate/DEFAULT diffie-hellman-parameters pki:diffie-hellman-parameters/DEFAULT-2048 profile provisioning PF_PROVISIONING_CONFIG destination configuration authentication username administrator password RtEc37AJHDZ6hX5jnLUHpQ== encrypted use profile tls DEFAULT location 1$(system.mac);mac=$(system.mac);serial=$(system.serial);hwMajor=$(system.hw.major);hwMinor=$(system.hw.minor);swMajor=$(system.sw.major);swMinor=$(system.sw.minor);swDate=$(;productName=$(;cliMajor=$(cli.major);cliMinor=$(cli.minor);osName=Trinity;subDirTrinity=/Trinity;subDirSmartWare=;dhcp66=$(dhcp.66);dhcp67=$(dhcp.67) location 2 $(dhcp.66) location 3 $(dhcp.66)/$(system.mac).cfg location 4 http://$(dhcp.66)/$(dhcp.67) location 5 http://$(dhcp.66)/$(system.mac).cfg location 6 tftp://$(dhcp.66)/$(dhcp.67) location 7 tftp://$(dhcp.66)/$(system.mac).cfg activation reload immediate profile tone-set DEFAULT profile voip DEFAULT codec 1 g711alaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20 codec 2 g711ulaw64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20 codec 3 g729 rx-length 20 tx-length 20 codec 4 g722-64k rx-length 20 tx-length 20 response-preferred-codec g711alaw64k profile pstn DEFAULT profile sip DEFAULT context ip ROUTER interface WAN ipaddress WAN_STATIC ipaddress DHCP dhcp tcp adjust-mss rx mtu tcp adjust-mss tx mtu use profile napt NAPT_WAN DHCP routing-table DEFAULT route gateway metric 0 profile ppp DEFAULT context cs switch national-prefix 0 international-prefix 00 no shutdown mapping-table itc to itc speech map default to speech port ethernet 0 0 bind interface ROUTER WAN no shutdown port bri 0 0 encapsulation q921 q921 protocol pmp uni-side auto q931 protocol dss1 uni-side net max-calls 2 channel-range 0 1 port bri 0 0 shutdown port bri 0 1 encapsulation q921 q921 protocol pmp uni-side auto q931 protocol dss1 uni-side net max-calls 2 channel-range 0 1 port bri 0 1 shutdown port bri 0 2 encapsulation q921 q921 protocol pmp uni-side auto q931 protocol dss1 uni-side net max-calls 2 channel-range 0 1 port bri 0 2 shutdown port bri 0 3 encapsulation q921 q921 protocol pmp uni-side auto q931 protocol dss1 uni-side net max-calls 2 channel-range 0 1 port bri 0 3 shutdown